Jonathan Hernandez
1. Create A Free Google My Business Listing
If your business does not have any online presence, this is the best place to start.
Google My Business is hands down the best tool for a business that is looking to get more local traffic and any business for that matter.
Google My Business is completely FREE! Plus, once you have created and claimed your business listing you can start running Google ads for your business which can increase traffic that as a result can increase sales if done right.
If you want to learn how to create your Google My Business listing "CLICK HERE" we created a short simple guide for you.
The picture shown is a Google My Business listing from one of my clients. I helped him claim the listing and optimized some information just so he could see the difference it would make.

2. Create Social Media Pages For Your Business
If your business does not have any online presence this is the next best thing. Not only are social media pages free, but they drastically expand your reach.
What you have to keep in mind when creating your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok or other social media business accounts are these few things:
- Make sure all your information is correct on each page
- Posts relevant content and not just anything that comes to mind
- Engage your audience (depending on product or service)
- Stay consistent to build momentum and grow your brand
- Post good images
If you're unable to post consistently at least make sure your business profiles are up to date.
3. Invest In A Good SEO or PPC Company
Depending on what stage you are in your business, this might be one of the most important decisions you will make when trying to grow your business.
Although, a lot of business owners (including myself) like to be hands on in every area of our business, we have to consider the time being spent trying to figure out this new digital marketing world. Time is money and opportunity cost is an important thing to keep in mind.
When looking for a marketing agency make sure to keep these questions in mind:
- Do their customers say good things about them?
- How long have they been in business?
- Are they able to provide you with case studies of their past work?
- Do they ask questions about your business or are they only focused on pushing their service?
Remember that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay Per Click) ads go hand in hand when it comes to digital marketing. You can do one without the other but they work better when done together.
If you're a business owner looking to grow your business feel free to give a call or shoot us a text at (425) 478-0348